The T Project First Empowerment workshop: Suicide awareness, tailored specifically for the transgender woman community.
Fully funded by AWARE Power Fund initiative, The T Project held its first Empowerment Workshop: Suicide Awareness, on the 23rd of March for the transgender woman community in Singapore.
The Empowerment Workshop Program consisted of 6 workshops under the theme: Self-defense, as the series of workshops are designed to empowered and equipped the transgender participants with the necessary and relevant skills to help them to overcome the various challenges that they faced daily in their life.
“The following workshop aims at the development of community mental health ambassadors among the Singapore transgender women community of sex workers and former sex workers. These women will be equipped with a better understanding of mental health and depression, allowing them to pick up on risk and suggest appropriate professional help for their friends. The workshop will also cover the need for self-care in a community where almost everyone has been either directly or indirectly impacted by suicide. ”
Read more about Shan write-up about the high prevalence of suicide among the transgender community here.
First trans-led organisation The T Project holding its first workshop funded by Singapore Woman organisation, AWARE.
Care For your Friend A.C.E card given to all participants after the workshop.
Thanks to Leow Yangfa, Executive director of Oogachaga and Shan, our project coordinator who is also the facilitator of this workshop for guiding the participants to a lively debate on the topic of suicide.
You may find more photos from this workshop at our gallery.